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The Allergy Anaphylaxis : The most serious allergic reactions involve the entire body. An anaphylactic reaction can be triggered by exposure to any allergen through inhalation, ingestion, injection, or skin contact. It is a severe, rapidly developing, fatal allergic reaction. An estimated 1.21% to 15.04% of the American population are at risk for anaphylaxis and causes around 400-800 deaths annually. If left untreated, the condition may lead to shock or even death.
Mechanism of the Reaction
The most severe of allergic reaction is anaphylaxis. Upon the initial exposure of a person to an allergen, the body automatically produces antibodies that are specifically matched to the foreign agents. These antibodies called IgE antibodies bind to the surface of the mast cell found in connective tissues and a type of white blood cell called basophils.
Anaphylaxis is mediated when this foreign antigen (allergen) is re-introduced into the body, and binds to a specific IgE. Within minutes or even seconds, this triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals that result into smooth muscle spasms, narrowing of the airway, edema, and eventually circulatory collapse.
Anaphylaxis is triggered by various allergens that a person may be sensitive to. Common causes are:
* Foods— nuts, shellfish, fish, milk, eggs, soy, wheat
* Medications— antibiotics, allopurinol, iodine-based contrast agents, anesthesia, vaccines, hormones, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
* Other biologic agents— tetanus antitoxin, snake venom antitoxin, antigens for skin testing
* Insect stings— bees, wasps, hornets, ants
* Latex—medical and nonmedical paraphernalia
The time elapsed upon the exposure to the antigen to the onset of symptoms would help indicate the severity of the reaction. Mild reactions range from itching, sneezing, tearing of the eyes, to nasal congestion and puffiness around the eyes than begins within the first 2 hours of exposure to the antigen, while moderate reactions include generalized flushing and feeling of warmth. Severe reactions occur abruptly and rapidly progresses to swelling of the throat that could possibly lead to the constriction of airways or even blockage. Cardiac arrest and coma may follow.
What Your Doctor Can Do For You
Severe allergic reaction may take place rapidly, thus, it is important to seek professional help. Signs and symptoms are evaluated by the physician before rendering appropriate intervention. The sooner the condition is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. In addition, the patient may need to be tested for allergies, and be taken some blood samples to rule out any other condition.
Emergency care is needed in cases of anaphylaxis. The severity is first evaluated, followed by the respiratory and cardiac status. In cases of cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is started. Oxygen is administered in high concentrations to prevent brain damage. And intubation may further be instituted as necessary.
Epinephrine, the primary drug for anaphylaxis, is administered in very low concentrations into the subcutaneous tissue of the upper thigh. EpiPen is a handy autoinjector of premeasured doses of epinephrine. Antihistamines and corticosteroids may be given to relieve symptoms of inflammation and also to prevent recurrence. Bronchodilators like aminophylline helps improve the airway function. Further treatment includes drugs that improve the vascular status. The patient is closely monitored on the first 12 hours.
What You Can Do
Strict avoidance of potential allergens is an important preventive measure. If avoidance is impossible, an emergency kit containing epinephrine should always be available. Once you suspect an allergic reaction with the signs mentioned, call 911 for medical help. Assess the breathing and cardiac condition of the patient, and administer CPR. People with recognized allergy reactions should wear some form of identification such as a Medic Alert bracelet. Those who’ve had mild to moderate reactions should also seek medical help. If you don’t, you may be missing out on a treatment that may of great help and perhaps save your life.
Mechanism of the Reaction
The most severe of allergic reaction is anaphylaxis. Upon the initial exposure of a person to an allergen, the body automatically produces antibodies that are specifically matched to the foreign agents. These antibodies called IgE antibodies bind to the surface of the mast cell found in connective tissues and a type of white blood cell called basophils.
Anaphylaxis is mediated when this foreign antigen (allergen) is re-introduced into the body, and binds to a specific IgE. Within minutes or even seconds, this triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals that result into smooth muscle spasms, narrowing of the airway, edema, and eventually circulatory collapse.
Anaphylaxis is triggered by various allergens that a person may be sensitive to. Common causes are:
* Foods— nuts, shellfish, fish, milk, eggs, soy, wheat
* Medications— antibiotics, allopurinol, iodine-based contrast agents, anesthesia, vaccines, hormones, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
* Other biologic agents— tetanus antitoxin, snake venom antitoxin, antigens for skin testing
* Insect stings— bees, wasps, hornets, ants
* Latex—medical and nonmedical paraphernalia
The time elapsed upon the exposure to the antigen to the onset of symptoms would help indicate the severity of the reaction. Mild reactions range from itching, sneezing, tearing of the eyes, to nasal congestion and puffiness around the eyes than begins within the first 2 hours of exposure to the antigen, while moderate reactions include generalized flushing and feeling of warmth. Severe reactions occur abruptly and rapidly progresses to swelling of the throat that could possibly lead to the constriction of airways or even blockage. Cardiac arrest and coma may follow.
What Your Doctor Can Do For You
Severe allergic reaction may take place rapidly, thus, it is important to seek professional help. Signs and symptoms are evaluated by the physician before rendering appropriate intervention. The sooner the condition is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. In addition, the patient may need to be tested for allergies, and be taken some blood samples to rule out any other condition.
Emergency care is needed in cases of anaphylaxis. The severity is first evaluated, followed by the respiratory and cardiac status. In cases of cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is started. Oxygen is administered in high concentrations to prevent brain damage. And intubation may further be instituted as necessary.
Epinephrine, the primary drug for anaphylaxis, is administered in very low concentrations into the subcutaneous tissue of the upper thigh. EpiPen is a handy autoinjector of premeasured doses of epinephrine. Antihistamines and corticosteroids may be given to relieve symptoms of inflammation and also to prevent recurrence. Bronchodilators like aminophylline helps improve the airway function. Further treatment includes drugs that improve the vascular status. The patient is closely monitored on the first 12 hours.
What You Can Do
Strict avoidance of potential allergens is an important preventive measure. If avoidance is impossible, an emergency kit containing epinephrine should always be available. Once you suspect an allergic reaction with the signs mentioned, call 911 for medical help. Assess the breathing and cardiac condition of the patient, and administer CPR. People with recognized allergy reactions should wear some form of identification such as a Medic Alert bracelet. Those who’ve had mild to moderate reactions should also seek medical help. If you don’t, you may be missing out on a treatment that may of great help and perhaps save your life.
Water Allergy : Almost all life forms depend on water. Man himself is composed mainly of water and couldn’t even survive for a week without water intake. What will happen if a person becomes allergic to water?
What you should know
There have already been cases of water allergy documented and published in various journals. Water allergy or aquagenic urticaria is an extremely rare case of allergy characterized by intense burning and itching sensation after any contact with water—even with one’s own perspiration.
Water allergy is a very rare skin condition that only 30-40 cases are documented in literature. The mechanism of the condition is not entirely known, but it is thought to be caused by a hypersensitivity to chemicals, minerals, and ions found in water rather than an IgE-mediated allergic reaction. Any form of contact with water—sometimes, even drinking will cause sore, rashes to appear and lasting for a few minutes to several hours. The type and temperature of the water may also cause some differences in the symptoms, with tap water being the most common offender. One prominent story of aquagenic urticaria is the case of an Australian teenage girl who unfortunately caught the disorder at the age of 14. The histamine levels in her body went berserk after a heavy dose of penicillin. Now, a small drop of water causes her to break out in painful hives and welts all over. In some cases, drinking water can cause swelling of the throat.
Medical practitioners haven’t yet found a cure for water allergy than to avoid water at all cost. The person should avoid humid conditions, rain, even their own tears and sweat. Taking a shower should not take long, and if possible, they should omit doing so. Antihistamines could provide helpful relief. Other options include capsaicin cream (Zostrix) to relieve the pain, and ultraviolet phototherapy.
What you should know
There have already been cases of water allergy documented and published in various journals. Water allergy or aquagenic urticaria is an extremely rare case of allergy characterized by intense burning and itching sensation after any contact with water—even with one’s own perspiration.
Water allergy is a very rare skin condition that only 30-40 cases are documented in literature. The mechanism of the condition is not entirely known, but it is thought to be caused by a hypersensitivity to chemicals, minerals, and ions found in water rather than an IgE-mediated allergic reaction. Any form of contact with water—sometimes, even drinking will cause sore, rashes to appear and lasting for a few minutes to several hours. The type and temperature of the water may also cause some differences in the symptoms, with tap water being the most common offender. One prominent story of aquagenic urticaria is the case of an Australian teenage girl who unfortunately caught the disorder at the age of 14. The histamine levels in her body went berserk after a heavy dose of penicillin. Now, a small drop of water causes her to break out in painful hives and welts all over. In some cases, drinking water can cause swelling of the throat.
Medical practitioners haven’t yet found a cure for water allergy than to avoid water at all cost. The person should avoid humid conditions, rain, even their own tears and sweat. Taking a shower should not take long, and if possible, they should omit doing so. Antihistamines could provide helpful relief. Other options include capsaicin cream (Zostrix) to relieve the pain, and ultraviolet phototherapy.
health information
Ways to Live Well With Allergies : Owing to modernization and technological advances in science, countless medications and therapies have been developed that can now be offered to persons suffering from various diseases. Ranging from the mild to the terminally sick, patients have a number of options to choose from regarding their treatment regimen. For example, nowadays the life-threatening complication of anaphylaxis can already be countered by the administration of measured doses of exogenous adrenaline. We also have better and safer chemotherapeutic drugs for managing certain types of cancer. Even the smallpox virus has been successfully eradicated throughout the entire planet. Then again, there are also conditions that cannot be fully treated however; their symptoms can still be managed. Many have tried unsuccessfully to develop a potent drug or vaccine that can cure diseases like HIV.
The same goes for allergies. Individuals who have allergies might have to carry the condition for an entire lifetime. The disorder stems from an exaggerated immune response to allergens which you take in through food, skin contact, and inhalation. A person with allergies experiences symptoms ranging from sneezing and stuffy nose to a full-blown allergic asthma or anaphylactic shock. But don’t let these words scare you. Luckily, virtually ANY allergy can be controlled by medications and lifestyle changes.
Know Your Allergens
Early diagnosis is essential for early prevention. Once you notice any association between allergy and a particular food, product, or activity, you have to take note of this and refer immediately to your physician.
Beating The Sneezing
Recurring allergies would mean that the allergens are present in your very own surroundings. If your allergies occur at home, you may begin by keeping the indoors clean at all times. Avoid using rugs and carpets that may harbor dust. Rodents and pests are likely to be attracted to open garbage bins. You should always keep them covered and regularly emptied. Your kitchen and bathroom are favorable places for mold growth. Scrub tiles and counters as often as possible to keep their numbers to a minimum. And lastly, keep the air inside your home clean by incorporating an air filter. If possible, avoid using air conditioning systems. The goal of home environment modification is to improve the ventilation inside.
Be Prepared
Regardless of the cause, if you have allergies, and have experienced a severe attack even at least once, you are a good candidate for anaphylaxis. I used to think that an Epinephrine auto-injector would suffice an emergency kit. But there are also other important things that an allergy sufferer should bring in handy.
If you are prone to asthma attacks, you should always bring bronchodilators with you. These are fast acting medications that are available only with a physician’s order. Some antihistamines, nasal decongestants and sprays can be bought over-the-counter, while others are regulated and may need a prescription. Nevertheless, for the no-holds-barred coughing, itching, and sneezing, these medications may be of great help to you. Eye drops will also relieve the eye-itching.
Feel Better
Learn to relax. Emotional upsets can also trigger asthma attacks which is far worse. Keep fit and have a regular exercise routine. Research has shown that the more you exercise, the more hours of activity you can tolerate. Start from light activities. But be sure to have your emergency kit with you at all times, especially for those who have exercise-induced anaphylaxis.
In the meantime, studies are continuously being conducted and products are being enhanced so as to better understand the mechanism of each disease as well as to cater to the special needs of allergy sufferers. Lifestyle changes are a good start. In the long run, you will simply get used to live through it.
The same goes for allergies. Individuals who have allergies might have to carry the condition for an entire lifetime. The disorder stems from an exaggerated immune response to allergens which you take in through food, skin contact, and inhalation. A person with allergies experiences symptoms ranging from sneezing and stuffy nose to a full-blown allergic asthma or anaphylactic shock. But don’t let these words scare you. Luckily, virtually ANY allergy can be controlled by medications and lifestyle changes.
Know Your Allergens
Early diagnosis is essential for early prevention. Once you notice any association between allergy and a particular food, product, or activity, you have to take note of this and refer immediately to your physician.
Beating The Sneezing
Recurring allergies would mean that the allergens are present in your very own surroundings. If your allergies occur at home, you may begin by keeping the indoors clean at all times. Avoid using rugs and carpets that may harbor dust. Rodents and pests are likely to be attracted to open garbage bins. You should always keep them covered and regularly emptied. Your kitchen and bathroom are favorable places for mold growth. Scrub tiles and counters as often as possible to keep their numbers to a minimum. And lastly, keep the air inside your home clean by incorporating an air filter. If possible, avoid using air conditioning systems. The goal of home environment modification is to improve the ventilation inside.
Be Prepared
Regardless of the cause, if you have allergies, and have experienced a severe attack even at least once, you are a good candidate for anaphylaxis. I used to think that an Epinephrine auto-injector would suffice an emergency kit. But there are also other important things that an allergy sufferer should bring in handy.
If you are prone to asthma attacks, you should always bring bronchodilators with you. These are fast acting medications that are available only with a physician’s order. Some antihistamines, nasal decongestants and sprays can be bought over-the-counter, while others are regulated and may need a prescription. Nevertheless, for the no-holds-barred coughing, itching, and sneezing, these medications may be of great help to you. Eye drops will also relieve the eye-itching.
Feel Better
Learn to relax. Emotional upsets can also trigger asthma attacks which is far worse. Keep fit and have a regular exercise routine. Research has shown that the more you exercise, the more hours of activity you can tolerate. Start from light activities. But be sure to have your emergency kit with you at all times, especially for those who have exercise-induced anaphylaxis.
In the meantime, studies are continuously being conducted and products are being enhanced so as to better understand the mechanism of each disease as well as to cater to the special needs of allergy sufferers. Lifestyle changes are a good start. In the long run, you will simply get used to live through it.
health information
The Truth about MSG Allergies : For many years, MSG or monosodium glutamate has served our kitchen as an all-around seasoning working to improve the world’s dining experience. Yet regrettably, it has suffered a bad reputation because of several health concerns associated with it.
A common misconception is the so-called “MSG allergy” that many people claim to experience after eating food that contains this food additive which is very popular among Chinese and other Asian dishes, gaining its nickname, the Chinese restaurant syndrome.
Since then, this adverse effect has been the subject of many debates among medical professionals due to a failure to establish a clear relationship between MSG usage and the development of the reactions. Although several studies have been performed to attest to the veracity of MSG allergy, the consistency of the responses remains an issue. For this reason, the FDA or any governing body has not issued any warning against consuming food products containing monosodium glutamate.
But despite this, many are drawn to believe that this is certainly an allergy to MSG. In fact, maybe you yourself are among those who adamantly adhere to a No-MSG diet. Because of this, countless restaurants and food establishments have joined the bandwagon against MSG and are claiming that they have “no MSG” in their dishes or other products.
So what is the reality behind the sensitivity reactions following the ingestion of MSG-laden foods?
To set the record straight, it is essential for one to know that what causes allergic reactions in people.
MSG Facts
Milk, tree nuts, peanuts, seafood, shellfish, soy, wheat and eggs are only few among the many substances that can cause food allergies. A common factor between these allergens is that they are primarily made up of protein. While MSG is a form of glutamate, an amino acid which is found in protein, it is non-bound which makes it not exactly a protein. If glutamate were the cause of untoward reactions, we must have experienced such as there are several common food products that have high quantities of free glutamate in them such as mushrooms, seafood, cheese, and meat.
There have been quite a number of studies that were conducted to prove or disprove MSG sensitivity. In a study conducted in 1986, individuals who claim to be sensitive to MSG were challenged to participate in a double-blind placebo study. Of the six participants, only two have reported untoward effects after MSG and placebo ingestion such as tingling sensation, warm feeling behind the ears, and tightness of the face.
Furthermore, in 2001, another study led by a renowned American Immunologist, together with a team of researchers from distinguished universities in the United States have concluded that MSG does not cause the allergic reactions due to the inadequacy of the adverse effects from MSG. The responses were also inconsistent.
Ultimately, on May 2009, the medical journal of Clinical and Experimental Allergy made a review on monosodium glutamate on the alleged issue of causing allergies such as asthma and rhinitis. They have concluded that while the ingestion of large amount of MSG without food can elicit symptoms of sensitivity, as a food-additive, it does not increase the risk of developing allergic reactions.
We commonly encounter food establishments claiming to serve food without MSG. The fact is, even though these restaurants do not actively include commercial MSG (e.g. Ajinomoto, Vetsin, and Accent) in the preparation of their products, there is a high likelihood that some products and seasonings are also made from MSG. MSG can also be hidden under the following names: hydrolyzed protein, yeast extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, bouillon, broth, and natural flavouring.
There are naturally-occurring glutamates in cheese, marmite, ripe tomato, eggs, peas and many others. So, in our entire life, almost all of us must have been exposed to MSG even at least once.
Sensitivity, Allergy, and Intolerance
Despite these, if you feel any untoward reaction such as a warm sensation in the face and neck, flushing, numbness, tingling, chest palpitations, rhinitis, nausea and vomiting, and wheezing, consult your physician for immediate management. These symptoms may show a few minutes to an hour after ingestion of food containing monosodium glutamate. Although the condition is rare, the reaction may vary among individuals. These “allergic” reactions may even be more severe if MSG is taken in high doses on an empty stomach.
To verify your condition, your physician will establish whether what kind of food sensitivity or allergy you have. Should there be an association with your condition to MSG ingestion, then you should start taking measures against the eating food that is prepared using this seasoning.
A common misconception is the so-called “MSG allergy” that many people claim to experience after eating food that contains this food additive which is very popular among Chinese and other Asian dishes, gaining its nickname, the Chinese restaurant syndrome.
Since then, this adverse effect has been the subject of many debates among medical professionals due to a failure to establish a clear relationship between MSG usage and the development of the reactions. Although several studies have been performed to attest to the veracity of MSG allergy, the consistency of the responses remains an issue. For this reason, the FDA or any governing body has not issued any warning against consuming food products containing monosodium glutamate.
But despite this, many are drawn to believe that this is certainly an allergy to MSG. In fact, maybe you yourself are among those who adamantly adhere to a No-MSG diet. Because of this, countless restaurants and food establishments have joined the bandwagon against MSG and are claiming that they have “no MSG” in their dishes or other products.
So what is the reality behind the sensitivity reactions following the ingestion of MSG-laden foods?
To set the record straight, it is essential for one to know that what causes allergic reactions in people.
MSG Facts
Milk, tree nuts, peanuts, seafood, shellfish, soy, wheat and eggs are only few among the many substances that can cause food allergies. A common factor between these allergens is that they are primarily made up of protein. While MSG is a form of glutamate, an amino acid which is found in protein, it is non-bound which makes it not exactly a protein. If glutamate were the cause of untoward reactions, we must have experienced such as there are several common food products that have high quantities of free glutamate in them such as mushrooms, seafood, cheese, and meat.
There have been quite a number of studies that were conducted to prove or disprove MSG sensitivity. In a study conducted in 1986, individuals who claim to be sensitive to MSG were challenged to participate in a double-blind placebo study. Of the six participants, only two have reported untoward effects after MSG and placebo ingestion such as tingling sensation, warm feeling behind the ears, and tightness of the face.
Furthermore, in 2001, another study led by a renowned American Immunologist, together with a team of researchers from distinguished universities in the United States have concluded that MSG does not cause the allergic reactions due to the inadequacy of the adverse effects from MSG. The responses were also inconsistent.
Ultimately, on May 2009, the medical journal of Clinical and Experimental Allergy made a review on monosodium glutamate on the alleged issue of causing allergies such as asthma and rhinitis. They have concluded that while the ingestion of large amount of MSG without food can elicit symptoms of sensitivity, as a food-additive, it does not increase the risk of developing allergic reactions.
We commonly encounter food establishments claiming to serve food without MSG. The fact is, even though these restaurants do not actively include commercial MSG (e.g. Ajinomoto, Vetsin, and Accent) in the preparation of their products, there is a high likelihood that some products and seasonings are also made from MSG. MSG can also be hidden under the following names: hydrolyzed protein, yeast extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, bouillon, broth, and natural flavouring.
There are naturally-occurring glutamates in cheese, marmite, ripe tomato, eggs, peas and many others. So, in our entire life, almost all of us must have been exposed to MSG even at least once.
Sensitivity, Allergy, and Intolerance
Despite these, if you feel any untoward reaction such as a warm sensation in the face and neck, flushing, numbness, tingling, chest palpitations, rhinitis, nausea and vomiting, and wheezing, consult your physician for immediate management. These symptoms may show a few minutes to an hour after ingestion of food containing monosodium glutamate. Although the condition is rare, the reaction may vary among individuals. These “allergic” reactions may even be more severe if MSG is taken in high doses on an empty stomach.
To verify your condition, your physician will establish whether what kind of food sensitivity or allergy you have. Should there be an association with your condition to MSG ingestion, then you should start taking measures against the eating food that is prepared using this seasoning.
health information
Soy Allergies : The soybean is an important food source that man has been utilizing since time immemorial. Because of its high protein content, low-cost, and high production, soybeans and soy derivatives ranging from soybean oils, soymilk, soy flour, soy cheese, to meat analogues like tofu and tempeh, are considered valuable products in the market.
Soy Usage
Despite its size, the soybean is a highly versatile crop. It can be the primary ingredient of more than a dozen food products, or it can be also used as an additive to several commodities.
This humble legume that is widely grown in the United States, South America, and Asia is actually a good source of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, isoflavones, and antioxidants. Whole soybeans even have a high biological value similar to that of whey protein. For this reason, products containing soy is highly recommended for vegans and vegetarians who wish to limit the amount of meat they eat but maintain a stable amount of protein in their bodies.
But apart from its use for human nutrition, soybeans can also be utilized as a stock feed, a form of biodiesel, cosmetics, soap, crayons, resins, plastics, and clothing. This just proves that soybeans are an important constituent of many industries.
Protein Content and Allergic Reactions
Many food products that are good sources of protein can trigger allergic reactions to several people. Soy and other soy-based products are no exception, despite its countless use to man.
Soy allergy is a type of food allergy brought about by foreign proteins found in soybean. Some people have a hypersensitive immune system which makes them allergic to these proteins that is normally not elicited in others. In response to their presence, the immune system produces antibodies specific to these proteins found in soy so that the next time the body encounters them, it will automatically launch an attack against them. A number of chemicals, including histamine, shall be released to counter the soy proteins which lead to a cascade of biological events that result to the following symptoms:
1. Hives
2. Difficulty of breathing
3. Runny nose and sneezing
4. Cough and wheezing
5. Abdominal cramping
6. Nausea and vomiting
7. Light-headedness
8. Swelling of the face, lips, tongue and throat, and other parts of the body
9. Anaphylaxis
Soy allergy may begin as early as infancy when the child demonstrates a reaction to soy-based infant formulas. However, most children tend to outgrow soy allergies by the age of three. This allergy is not exclusive to children as some cases may persist even in adulthood.
Studies have identified as many as 15 possible allergens in soy that is said to trigger the allergic reaction. However, the exact mechanism on how soy protein may provoke allergic reaction is still not clear.
What Your Doctor Can Do
The doctor will need to perform tests and ask a few questions to confirm the allergic reaction and determine the causative agent. More commonly, a skin prick test will be performed using a lancet containing soy proteins or soy extracts. A positive reaction is elicited when the suspected person develops a red raised bump on the area tested. Blood tests may also be necessary to measure the amount of antibodies a person has against a certain allergen.
Once confirmed, the person is strongly advised to avoid consuming products containing soy. He or she should also be more vigilant in food products that may be contaminated with soy such as soybean oil, soy-based cream cheese, soy flour, soy-based infant formulas, soymilk, soybean meal, soy sauce, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable oil, and soy-based meat and dairy substitutes to name a few.
Allergy to soy products is considered as one of the most common food allergies but is also highly manageable. Mild symptoms can be treated with antihistamines such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine). However, there are also a few instances in which exposure to soya may result into a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis that may possibly progress into anaphylactic shock. In such scenarios, emergency intervention is required. The person should be administered with epinephrine immediately. People who have a high-risk for developing extreme allergic reactions should be prescribed with a pre-loaded portable epinephrine at all times.
What You Can Do
All allergies are managed by strict avoidance of the offending agent. But because of the number of processed foods containing soy nowadays, patients who have soy allergies must be very cautious in choosing food and ingredients, especially when dinning out. Affected vegans and vegetarians will need to consult a dietician or a nutritionist regarding the replacement of tofu and soy-based products in their diet.
Soy Usage
Despite its size, the soybean is a highly versatile crop. It can be the primary ingredient of more than a dozen food products, or it can be also used as an additive to several commodities.
This humble legume that is widely grown in the United States, South America, and Asia is actually a good source of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, isoflavones, and antioxidants. Whole soybeans even have a high biological value similar to that of whey protein. For this reason, products containing soy is highly recommended for vegans and vegetarians who wish to limit the amount of meat they eat but maintain a stable amount of protein in their bodies.
But apart from its use for human nutrition, soybeans can also be utilized as a stock feed, a form of biodiesel, cosmetics, soap, crayons, resins, plastics, and clothing. This just proves that soybeans are an important constituent of many industries.
Protein Content and Allergic Reactions
Many food products that are good sources of protein can trigger allergic reactions to several people. Soy and other soy-based products are no exception, despite its countless use to man.
Soy allergy is a type of food allergy brought about by foreign proteins found in soybean. Some people have a hypersensitive immune system which makes them allergic to these proteins that is normally not elicited in others. In response to their presence, the immune system produces antibodies specific to these proteins found in soy so that the next time the body encounters them, it will automatically launch an attack against them. A number of chemicals, including histamine, shall be released to counter the soy proteins which lead to a cascade of biological events that result to the following symptoms:
1. Hives
2. Difficulty of breathing
3. Runny nose and sneezing
4. Cough and wheezing
5. Abdominal cramping
6. Nausea and vomiting
7. Light-headedness
8. Swelling of the face, lips, tongue and throat, and other parts of the body
9. Anaphylaxis
Soy allergy may begin as early as infancy when the child demonstrates a reaction to soy-based infant formulas. However, most children tend to outgrow soy allergies by the age of three. This allergy is not exclusive to children as some cases may persist even in adulthood.
Studies have identified as many as 15 possible allergens in soy that is said to trigger the allergic reaction. However, the exact mechanism on how soy protein may provoke allergic reaction is still not clear.
What Your Doctor Can Do
The doctor will need to perform tests and ask a few questions to confirm the allergic reaction and determine the causative agent. More commonly, a skin prick test will be performed using a lancet containing soy proteins or soy extracts. A positive reaction is elicited when the suspected person develops a red raised bump on the area tested. Blood tests may also be necessary to measure the amount of antibodies a person has against a certain allergen.
Once confirmed, the person is strongly advised to avoid consuming products containing soy. He or she should also be more vigilant in food products that may be contaminated with soy such as soybean oil, soy-based cream cheese, soy flour, soy-based infant formulas, soymilk, soybean meal, soy sauce, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable oil, and soy-based meat and dairy substitutes to name a few.
Allergy to soy products is considered as one of the most common food allergies but is also highly manageable. Mild symptoms can be treated with antihistamines such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine). However, there are also a few instances in which exposure to soya may result into a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis that may possibly progress into anaphylactic shock. In such scenarios, emergency intervention is required. The person should be administered with epinephrine immediately. People who have a high-risk for developing extreme allergic reactions should be prescribed with a pre-loaded portable epinephrine at all times.
What You Can Do
All allergies are managed by strict avoidance of the offending agent. But because of the number of processed foods containing soy nowadays, patients who have soy allergies must be very cautious in choosing food and ingredients, especially when dinning out. Affected vegans and vegetarians will need to consult a dietician or a nutritionist regarding the replacement of tofu and soy-based products in their diet.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Gluten Allergy
Let us define gluten first before discussing gluten allergy and sensitivity. Gluten is a protein that is found in foods such as wheat, barley, and rye. It is extracted from flour and final gluten product has a meat-like, chewy texture which is found to be high in protein and is used widely in commercial food products as additives, to give the food more valuable nutrients.
A person suffering from gluten allergy has an unfavourable bodily response towards gluten and foods containing such. This form of allergy is somehow confused with celiac disease (occurring in people with a genetic impairment). People with Celiac disease are suffering from an autoimmune disease. In the case of gluten allergy, it is plainly a food allergy wherein the symptoms can range from mild inflammation of the small intestines to severe celiac disease.
Mechanism of the Allergic Reaction
Allergy to gluten is a hypersensitivity reaction of a person’s immune system to the proteins prolamin and glutelin that make up gluten. These proteins may be present in various forms in cereal grains such as gliadin in wheat, hordein in barley, secalin in rye, zein in corn. Hence, gluten allergy has a broad scope of food products that can be considered as allergens.
Gluten allergy may develop at any point in a person’s life and is relatively common. It occurs as a result of the ingestion of the abovementioned allergic components of gluten that activates an immune response which leads to the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals in the body. The response is immediate and may start within minutes after exposure to wheat or other gluten-containing products. Once this happens, it can set off a range of symptoms that includes abdominal cramping, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. On some instances, a person might experience hives, swelling, angioedema, difficulty of breathing, and asthma. Anaphylaxis would be the worst case scenario if the person is highly sensitive to gluten.
Over time, if left untreated, gluten allergy in children may cause a short stature, failure to gain weight, fatigue, and anemia, secondary to malabsorption of nutrients.
What Your Doctor Can Do For You
Food allergies are commonly diagnosed by conducting a skin prick test and blood test to identify the specific cause. However, because there is a tendency that gluten allergy may be misdiagnosed as other gluten-related diseases such as Celiac disease, there might be a need to perform other exams like endoscopy or the visualization of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the small intestine.
Though allergies are generally untreatable, gluten allergy is simple to manage. Children who have gluten allergy are most likely to outgrow the allergy.
The person who has this condition must eliminate gluten in his/her diet. That includes wheat and wheat products. But keep in mind that symptoms can vary greatly among individuals. Hence, some individuals are able to tolerate tiny amount of gluten in their diet. But those with severe sensitivity must avoid products that contain gluten at all costs and maintain a gluten-free diet.
What You Can Do
The only and best way to treat this allergy is by minimizing the intake of gluten in your diet. Should there be a need to entirely eliminate gluten, here is a list of gluten-free foods:
- Amaranth
- Arrowroot
- Buckwheat
- Corn
- Rice
- Tapioca
- Potatoes
- Fresh meats
- Rice
- Gluten-free flours (rice, soy, corn, potato, bean)
- Hominy grits
- Quinoa
- Fish and poultry
- Most dairy products
- Vegetables (fresh)
- Wine and distilled liquors
Be careful of the following foods that contain gluten:
- Bagels
- Biscuits
- Bread
- Cake
- Cereal
- Croissants
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Most flours
- Ice cream cones
- Pastas
- Pretzels
- Pizza
- Beer
- Candies
- Syrups
- Vegetables with commercially prepared sauces
There is no need to be anxious on how to effectively avoid food with gluten. This is a common type of allergy. Medical surveys have shown that 1 in 167 healthy children and 1 in 111 adults have gluten allergy. People with digestive issues are more prone to acquiring this type of allergy. It is highly recommendable to seek a medical help as to verify your possible allergy in the safest and most accurate manner. Consult your allergist for proper testing and management.
You also need to note how you feel after eating food containing gluten several times before having a medical examination in order to rule out other diseases associated with gluten.
A person suffering from gluten allergy has an unfavourable bodily response towards gluten and foods containing such. This form of allergy is somehow confused with celiac disease (occurring in people with a genetic impairment). People with Celiac disease are suffering from an autoimmune disease. In the case of gluten allergy, it is plainly a food allergy wherein the symptoms can range from mild inflammation of the small intestines to severe celiac disease.
Mechanism of the Allergic Reaction
Allergy to gluten is a hypersensitivity reaction of a person’s immune system to the proteins prolamin and glutelin that make up gluten. These proteins may be present in various forms in cereal grains such as gliadin in wheat, hordein in barley, secalin in rye, zein in corn. Hence, gluten allergy has a broad scope of food products that can be considered as allergens.
Gluten allergy may develop at any point in a person’s life and is relatively common. It occurs as a result of the ingestion of the abovementioned allergic components of gluten that activates an immune response which leads to the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals in the body. The response is immediate and may start within minutes after exposure to wheat or other gluten-containing products. Once this happens, it can set off a range of symptoms that includes abdominal cramping, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. On some instances, a person might experience hives, swelling, angioedema, difficulty of breathing, and asthma. Anaphylaxis would be the worst case scenario if the person is highly sensitive to gluten.
Over time, if left untreated, gluten allergy in children may cause a short stature, failure to gain weight, fatigue, and anemia, secondary to malabsorption of nutrients.
What Your Doctor Can Do For You
Food allergies are commonly diagnosed by conducting a skin prick test and blood test to identify the specific cause. However, because there is a tendency that gluten allergy may be misdiagnosed as other gluten-related diseases such as Celiac disease, there might be a need to perform other exams like endoscopy or the visualization of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the small intestine.
Though allergies are generally untreatable, gluten allergy is simple to manage. Children who have gluten allergy are most likely to outgrow the allergy.
The person who has this condition must eliminate gluten in his/her diet. That includes wheat and wheat products. But keep in mind that symptoms can vary greatly among individuals. Hence, some individuals are able to tolerate tiny amount of gluten in their diet. But those with severe sensitivity must avoid products that contain gluten at all costs and maintain a gluten-free diet.
What You Can Do
The only and best way to treat this allergy is by minimizing the intake of gluten in your diet. Should there be a need to entirely eliminate gluten, here is a list of gluten-free foods:
- Amaranth
- Arrowroot
- Buckwheat
- Corn
- Rice
- Tapioca
- Potatoes
- Fresh meats
- Rice
- Gluten-free flours (rice, soy, corn, potato, bean)
- Hominy grits
- Quinoa
- Fish and poultry
- Most dairy products
- Vegetables (fresh)
- Wine and distilled liquors
Be careful of the following foods that contain gluten:
- Bagels
- Biscuits
- Bread
- Cake
- Cereal
- Croissants
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Most flours
- Ice cream cones
- Pastas
- Pretzels
- Pizza
- Beer
- Candies
- Syrups
- Vegetables with commercially prepared sauces
There is no need to be anxious on how to effectively avoid food with gluten. This is a common type of allergy. Medical surveys have shown that 1 in 167 healthy children and 1 in 111 adults have gluten allergy. People with digestive issues are more prone to acquiring this type of allergy. It is highly recommendable to seek a medical help as to verify your possible allergy in the safest and most accurate manner. Consult your allergist for proper testing and management.
You also need to note how you feel after eating food containing gluten several times before having a medical examination in order to rule out other diseases associated with gluten.
Pork Allergy
Almost everyone loves to eat pork. Swine meat is the most common meat in the market. Common as it may be for consumption, at present there are very rare cases of pork allergy. The immune system overreacts to the proteins found in pork. It can put up a variety of defense mechanisms (called antibodies) against these proteins that are perceived as “harmful” to the body.
Mechanism of the Allergic Reaction
Like most food allergies, proteins found in pork are what trigger an allergic reaction in humans. Specifically, the 65-kDa protein is the main allergen found in pork meat. For those who have this rare allergy, the body’s immune system reacts to the intake of the allergen stimulating a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction consequently casting symptoms abdominal symptoms, asthma, rashes, sneezing, and breathing problems. Allergy to pork is said to be prevalent in patients with severe food allergy. Those with a bad case of childhood asthma have a higher risk of developing complications from the allergic reaction.
In some cases, the allergic reaction may not be caused by the animal itself, but from the chemicals used to process pork meat such as papain (used as a meat tenderizer) or casein (used as a stabilizer). Certain chemicals and preservatives contaminate and mix with the protein of the food and are the major causes of food allergies. A least common source of pork allergy is the use of antibiotics to the farm animals. When the animal is injected with antibiotics such as penicillin prior to processing, these drugs may potentially enter into a person’s system who may be allergic to that certain drug.
What Your Doctor Can Do For You
What makes it difficult to identify the food allergen in some people is that they may not be aware of the relationship between the offending agent and their symptoms because the symptoms may appear at a later time. More often, people are sometimes confused with what really causes their allergies due to the variety of food they consume. This is why food challenges are performed. Food elimination diets may also be necessary to rule out any other culprits. However, they may take longer periods in order for the allergy to be diagnosed; hence, laboratory tests are the most frequent method of diagnosis.
A skin prick test must be properly conducted by medical professionals to detect if you have pork allergy. Once tested positive, be very wary of the following symptoms:
- Feeling of warmth
- Itchiness and hives
- Abdominal upset
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Wheezing
- Breathing difficulties
- Asthma attacks
A more severe reaction would lead to anaphylaxis where in the body experiences generalized urticaria (hives), sudden drop in the blood pressure, swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat that may cause breathing difficulties. If the swelling continues, the airway may become fully obstructed compromising oxygenation which is highly fatal in a matter of minutes.
Allergies are a medical emergency as they have the potential to progress into anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, they are highly manageable with drugs like antihistamines and corticosteroids to relieve the symptoms. Individuals with food hypersensitivity should avoid the foods that cause their allergies.
What You Can Do
Many people lose their sensitivity to food allergens over time, although not entirely for some. You should always be mindful in what you take.
The safest way to prevent pork allergy is avoidance of pork meat and products that include it in the list of ingredients. Adults as well as children should learn to scrutinize food labels and ingredients carefully.
Some medications and food supplements will help ease the symptoms, such as quercitin, bromellain, vitamin A, eucalyptus, L-carnitine and iron.
Quercitine is more popularly known as flavanoid. These are potent antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels, thus improving overall blood circulation. It blocks the histamines effectively. Bromellain will further enhance the absorption of quercitin and must be taken along with it.
Vitamin A greatly improves the immune system’s function. While eucalyptus oil, poured into boiling water (inhalation of its steam) will provide relief of the respiratory symptoms. Iron is vital for blood production and is an important element of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying substances in the blood).
L-Carnitine will act as a detoxifying agent to the cells and decrease the allergens in our system.
Remember that if you have confirmed your allergy to pork, always find a good doctor specializing in allergies first before practicing the do-it-yourself treatments aforementioned. This article is purely educational and informative. Always guard yourself by being safe.
Mechanism of the Allergic Reaction
Like most food allergies, proteins found in pork are what trigger an allergic reaction in humans. Specifically, the 65-kDa protein is the main allergen found in pork meat. For those who have this rare allergy, the body’s immune system reacts to the intake of the allergen stimulating a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction consequently casting symptoms abdominal symptoms, asthma, rashes, sneezing, and breathing problems. Allergy to pork is said to be prevalent in patients with severe food allergy. Those with a bad case of childhood asthma have a higher risk of developing complications from the allergic reaction.
In some cases, the allergic reaction may not be caused by the animal itself, but from the chemicals used to process pork meat such as papain (used as a meat tenderizer) or casein (used as a stabilizer). Certain chemicals and preservatives contaminate and mix with the protein of the food and are the major causes of food allergies. A least common source of pork allergy is the use of antibiotics to the farm animals. When the animal is injected with antibiotics such as penicillin prior to processing, these drugs may potentially enter into a person’s system who may be allergic to that certain drug.
What Your Doctor Can Do For You
What makes it difficult to identify the food allergen in some people is that they may not be aware of the relationship between the offending agent and their symptoms because the symptoms may appear at a later time. More often, people are sometimes confused with what really causes their allergies due to the variety of food they consume. This is why food challenges are performed. Food elimination diets may also be necessary to rule out any other culprits. However, they may take longer periods in order for the allergy to be diagnosed; hence, laboratory tests are the most frequent method of diagnosis.
A skin prick test must be properly conducted by medical professionals to detect if you have pork allergy. Once tested positive, be very wary of the following symptoms:
- Feeling of warmth
- Itchiness and hives
- Abdominal upset
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Wheezing
- Breathing difficulties
- Asthma attacks
A more severe reaction would lead to anaphylaxis where in the body experiences generalized urticaria (hives), sudden drop in the blood pressure, swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat that may cause breathing difficulties. If the swelling continues, the airway may become fully obstructed compromising oxygenation which is highly fatal in a matter of minutes.
Allergies are a medical emergency as they have the potential to progress into anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, they are highly manageable with drugs like antihistamines and corticosteroids to relieve the symptoms. Individuals with food hypersensitivity should avoid the foods that cause their allergies.
What You Can Do
Many people lose their sensitivity to food allergens over time, although not entirely for some. You should always be mindful in what you take.
The safest way to prevent pork allergy is avoidance of pork meat and products that include it in the list of ingredients. Adults as well as children should learn to scrutinize food labels and ingredients carefully.
Some medications and food supplements will help ease the symptoms, such as quercitin, bromellain, vitamin A, eucalyptus, L-carnitine and iron.
Quercitine is more popularly known as flavanoid. These are potent antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels, thus improving overall blood circulation. It blocks the histamines effectively. Bromellain will further enhance the absorption of quercitin and must be taken along with it.
Vitamin A greatly improves the immune system’s function. While eucalyptus oil, poured into boiling water (inhalation of its steam) will provide relief of the respiratory symptoms. Iron is vital for blood production and is an important element of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying substances in the blood).
L-Carnitine will act as a detoxifying agent to the cells and decrease the allergens in our system.
Remember that if you have confirmed your allergy to pork, always find a good doctor specializing in allergies first before practicing the do-it-yourself treatments aforementioned. This article is purely educational and informative. Always guard yourself by being safe.
Hip Replacement Recall - What to Do If Your Hip Replacement Implant Has Been Recalled
Hip replacement surgery is an ordeal. No one would put up with this if they weren't in big pain, and if there weren't the expectation that they could walk again pain free. But what if your hip replacement implant gets recalled?
What a horrific thought! Recalls in general are bad enough. Whether it's your car's brakes that get recalled, or your baby's formula, or maybe your dog's chew toys, it's scary. But you CAN send them back and get them replaced.
But what do you do if the recalled item has been implanted in your body and requires major surgery to replace?
That's exactly what's been happening to tens of thousands of people who have received the DePuy ASR XL hip replacement implant. And there are many more who have received other types of implants that have been recalled, for example the Zimmer Durom Cup implant or the Stryker Trident implant.
And it gets worse. Other implants haven't yet been recalled, yet the rates at which they have to be replaced are showing a familiar pattern -- growing rapidly within just the first few years when your average hip replacement implant should last at least 10 to 15 years, and preferably the entire rest of your life.
So what can you do about this? Here are five steps you should take:
1) Check to see if you have one of the above implants
If you have one of the implants listed above, i.e., the DePuy ASR XL, the Zimmer Durom Cup, or the Stryker Trident, you definitely have one of the recalled implants.
2) Check your symptoms
Do you have any of the familiar symptoms that indicate hip implant failure? These include pain and swelling, instability, grinding noises, slipping of the implant, trouble walking, and many more. If you have any of those symptoms, you should assume that you may have an implant that is causing problems, and those problems are bound to get worse. Don't delay taking action.
3) See your doctor
Whether you have one of the listed implants or you don't know what your implant is and whether it has been involved in a recall (yet), if you have any of the symptoms, you need to see your doctor right away.
4) Keep careful records
You also need to keep careful records of all your symptoms as well as every treatment and doctor's visit. Also be sure to get a copy of your complete medical records and keep them in a safe place.
5) Get legal advice
You also need to get legal advice right away. There's such a thing as statute of limitations. This means that if you miss certain deadlines, no lawyer can help you get compensated for your pain, no matter how obvious or serious your case.
What a horrific thought! Recalls in general are bad enough. Whether it's your car's brakes that get recalled, or your baby's formula, or maybe your dog's chew toys, it's scary. But you CAN send them back and get them replaced.
But what do you do if the recalled item has been implanted in your body and requires major surgery to replace?
That's exactly what's been happening to tens of thousands of people who have received the DePuy ASR XL hip replacement implant. And there are many more who have received other types of implants that have been recalled, for example the Zimmer Durom Cup implant or the Stryker Trident implant.
And it gets worse. Other implants haven't yet been recalled, yet the rates at which they have to be replaced are showing a familiar pattern -- growing rapidly within just the first few years when your average hip replacement implant should last at least 10 to 15 years, and preferably the entire rest of your life.
So what can you do about this? Here are five steps you should take:
1) Check to see if you have one of the above implants
If you have one of the implants listed above, i.e., the DePuy ASR XL, the Zimmer Durom Cup, or the Stryker Trident, you definitely have one of the recalled implants.
2) Check your symptoms
Do you have any of the familiar symptoms that indicate hip implant failure? These include pain and swelling, instability, grinding noises, slipping of the implant, trouble walking, and many more. If you have any of those symptoms, you should assume that you may have an implant that is causing problems, and those problems are bound to get worse. Don't delay taking action.
3) See your doctor
Whether you have one of the listed implants or you don't know what your implant is and whether it has been involved in a recall (yet), if you have any of the symptoms, you need to see your doctor right away.
4) Keep careful records
You also need to keep careful records of all your symptoms as well as every treatment and doctor's visit. Also be sure to get a copy of your complete medical records and keep them in a safe place.
5) Get legal advice
You also need to get legal advice right away. There's such a thing as statute of limitations. This means that if you miss certain deadlines, no lawyer can help you get compensated for your pain, no matter how obvious or serious your case.
Hip Replacement Recall - What to Do If Your Hip Replacement Implant Has Been Recalled
for more information
Friday, 3 June 2011
Yoga for Kids
Some of the advantages of kids doing yoga are -
1. It keeps the kids fit
2. It makes them strong mentally.
3. Yoga from early stages can improve the memory, concentration, and creativity of the kids.
4. It distresses them
5. Improves confidence
With so many benefits, you should take your kids to the yoga classes. Start early to get the maximum benefit and better results.
* Kids can practice yoga in their day-to-day life.
* Yoga for kids may include various postures, movements, breathing practices
* It also includes meditation techniques like Kundalini yoga and Hatha yoga.
* It can be practiced in different times. Your kids may practice it in the lunchtime, after school or in the morning.
* Kids like yoga when it is combined with playing, songs, and movements. This is a better way to attract and keep them in the yoga classes.
* It’s a natural way for health of your kids
* It improves your kids mind and body
* It also helps in curing any problem that kids may have.
* Schools can introduce yoga in their curriculum. Many schools already have it in their courses.
* Check whether your kids’ school has it or not. Before you select a school for your kids, check out whether it has yoga or not. It is always better to go for a school with yoga for kids in their curriculum.
Courses –There are various courses of yoga for kids. You can go for these courses. These courses teach yoga practically. So, they are beneficial for you. Some specific courses are prepared for the kids. These courses are suitable for their mind and body.
Why you need a yoga for kids course?
1. Such a course teaches the correct postures and poses
2. The teachers know it, so learn from them
A few basic yoga postures that kids can try are –
1. Sun salutation- it is good for kids. It is easy to perform and the benefits are many. It helps to improve the physical capacity. It also builds stamina in the kids.
2. Omkar Chanting- This is a old and effective yoga practice. It is related to the mind. This practice increases the mental strength, concentration and memory of the kids. It also removes tiredness of the kids.
3. Yoga Nidra – This is a special posture. It is mainly effective for kids. It reduces stress and helps to refresh the mind. This is beneficial for the kids for their examinations and tests.
1. It keeps the kids fit
2. It makes them strong mentally.
3. Yoga from early stages can improve the memory, concentration, and creativity of the kids.
4. It distresses them
5. Improves confidence
With so many benefits, you should take your kids to the yoga classes. Start early to get the maximum benefit and better results.
* Kids can practice yoga in their day-to-day life.
* Yoga for kids may include various postures, movements, breathing practices
* It also includes meditation techniques like Kundalini yoga and Hatha yoga.
* It can be practiced in different times. Your kids may practice it in the lunchtime, after school or in the morning.
* Kids like yoga when it is combined with playing, songs, and movements. This is a better way to attract and keep them in the yoga classes.
* It’s a natural way for health of your kids
* It improves your kids mind and body
* It also helps in curing any problem that kids may have.
* Schools can introduce yoga in their curriculum. Many schools already have it in their courses.
* Check whether your kids’ school has it or not. Before you select a school for your kids, check out whether it has yoga or not. It is always better to go for a school with yoga for kids in their curriculum.
Courses –There are various courses of yoga for kids. You can go for these courses. These courses teach yoga practically. So, they are beneficial for you. Some specific courses are prepared for the kids. These courses are suitable for their mind and body.
Why you need a yoga for kids course?
1. Such a course teaches the correct postures and poses
2. The teachers know it, so learn from them
A few basic yoga postures that kids can try are –
1. Sun salutation- it is good for kids. It is easy to perform and the benefits are many. It helps to improve the physical capacity. It also builds stamina in the kids.
2. Omkar Chanting- This is a old and effective yoga practice. It is related to the mind. This practice increases the mental strength, concentration and memory of the kids. It also removes tiredness of the kids.
3. Yoga Nidra – This is a special posture. It is mainly effective for kids. It reduces stress and helps to refresh the mind. This is beneficial for the kids for their examinations and tests.
14 ways to get Rid of Child Snoring
In this article I am going to discuss the Changes that female body goes through during pregnancy.
Pregnancy brings lot many changes along with it in female body. During these 9 months many thing change for the pregnant women or say the mother. Your body will change externally and internally. It may cause some problem or discomfort to you, but as it leads a greater gift at the end, so you probably will not min these discomfort.
The changes during pregnancy can be divided into physical change and emotional changes.
Physical changes- Your body will change a lot during pregnancy. Your body parts like breasts, abdomen, skin etc will change a lot during pregnancy.
The changes occur during different time of the pregnancy period. As the pregnancy stage advances, the changes will vary in their features and degrees.
In the 1st Trimester (1-3 months) you will find Morning Sickness and Fatigue.
In the 2nd Trimester (4-6 months) you will experience Fetal Movement and Weight gain. You will better during this time. Tiredness will no be there.
In the 3rd Trimester (7-9 months) you will find Braxton-Hicks contractions and shortness of Breath. You may feel more tired. You will need more energy
If you month wise divide the changes during pregnancy then it would be
Month One
In the first month, you may not see many changes. The body is still to show the symptom. You may feel little nausea. Sometimes you may want to sleep more. In some cases, you may feel tenderness or tingling in your breasts. As the time passes by nausea may increase. It is generally felt in the morning or in the evening. Breasts may enlarge and may be tender at the end of the first month.
Month Two
Your weight will increase. Your breasts will become firm again. You may find a bump at the tip. Tired ness is more and likely to be there. Your hormone progesterone and estrogen levels will increase by many times. So, you may find mood swinging as a normal happening. You may feel very hungry at times and at times may feel that you do not want to eat anything.
Month Three
Your energy reduces fast. Your activities will drop and you will become tired soon. Heart beat may be more as the heart will work more and blood volume will be more.
Month Four
Pregnancy can be seen physically. Some other problem like skin problems, joint pain, running nose may arise. Abdominal pain may be there.
Month Five
Your blood circulation will increase many fold. Light headedness may be there. So be patients while moving. Move slowly.
Month Six
You will fin dark ring around you nipples. Breast will grow larger. Sometimes you may leak 'colostrum' from your nipples. Breasts start to get ready for lactation. Blood pressure may increase.
Month Seven
Your lungs, digestive tracts, and liver may be squeezed upward.
Month Eight
You may find back pain. Walking may be little problematic. Sleep may not be sound.
Month Nine
Breast may become heavier and you may find "Braxton Hicks" contractions.
It is very difficult to cover everything here but hopefully you have found this article informative and helpful.
Pregnancy brings lot many changes along with it in female body. During these 9 months many thing change for the pregnant women or say the mother. Your body will change externally and internally. It may cause some problem or discomfort to you, but as it leads a greater gift at the end, so you probably will not min these discomfort.
The changes during pregnancy can be divided into physical change and emotional changes.
Physical changes- Your body will change a lot during pregnancy. Your body parts like breasts, abdomen, skin etc will change a lot during pregnancy.
The changes occur during different time of the pregnancy period. As the pregnancy stage advances, the changes will vary in their features and degrees.
In the 1st Trimester (1-3 months) you will find Morning Sickness and Fatigue.
In the 2nd Trimester (4-6 months) you will experience Fetal Movement and Weight gain. You will better during this time. Tiredness will no be there.
In the 3rd Trimester (7-9 months) you will find Braxton-Hicks contractions and shortness of Breath. You may feel more tired. You will need more energy
If you month wise divide the changes during pregnancy then it would be
Month One
In the first month, you may not see many changes. The body is still to show the symptom. You may feel little nausea. Sometimes you may want to sleep more. In some cases, you may feel tenderness or tingling in your breasts. As the time passes by nausea may increase. It is generally felt in the morning or in the evening. Breasts may enlarge and may be tender at the end of the first month.
Month Two
Your weight will increase. Your breasts will become firm again. You may find a bump at the tip. Tired ness is more and likely to be there. Your hormone progesterone and estrogen levels will increase by many times. So, you may find mood swinging as a normal happening. You may feel very hungry at times and at times may feel that you do not want to eat anything.
Month Three
Your energy reduces fast. Your activities will drop and you will become tired soon. Heart beat may be more as the heart will work more and blood volume will be more.
Month Four
Pregnancy can be seen physically. Some other problem like skin problems, joint pain, running nose may arise. Abdominal pain may be there.
Month Five
Your blood circulation will increase many fold. Light headedness may be there. So be patients while moving. Move slowly.
Month Six
You will fin dark ring around you nipples. Breast will grow larger. Sometimes you may leak 'colostrum' from your nipples. Breasts start to get ready for lactation. Blood pressure may increase.
Month Seven
Your lungs, digestive tracts, and liver may be squeezed upward.
Month Eight
You may find back pain. Walking may be little problematic. Sleep may not be sound.
Month Nine
Breast may become heavier and you may find "Braxton Hicks" contractions.
It is very difficult to cover everything here but hopefully you have found this article informative and helpful.
Baby Colic
Bowel pains and the clenching of fists and tucking in of the legs are also common symptoms of baby colic. For first time parents this situation can be very distressful because they just don’t understand why this is happening and what they can do about it.
Understanding baby colic
If you are looking to understand baby colic then medical science will not be able to give you one solid definite answer explaining the causes. What exist are some theories that doctors have formulated analyzing the possible causes of baby folic. The theory that seems most probable is that baby folic is caused when the baby ingests air while being fed milk either from the mother or from a bottle. Gastrointestinal pains caused by the fast consumption of milk causes the baby to become colic. Another theory although possible but seems less probable is related to the consumption of the mother’s food. If the mother has an increased intake of gas producing foods then this is transferred to the baby via the breast milk. Yet another possible and probable theory is that of identifying the baby’s nervous system as immature. This renders it incapable of being able to process all the new stimulations forced onto it by life.
Managing colic babies
Regardless of the causes the parents are more interested in knowing how to handle their babies with colic. This is because they hate to see it crying and also because the constant crying can be a source of great stress for the entire house hold. Rest assured baby colic does not develop because of poor parenting and the problem usually disappears in the first three months of the baby’s life. But because the medical causes have not been identified there is no accurate cure for the problem as yet. There is however certain common sense suggestions which parents are bound to try by instinct.
Most parents will begin to rock their child in their arms or put them in a swing to rock them back and forth. This is a very natural way to put the baby to rest. You can even take your baby for a car ride because that often puts them to sleep. Carriage rides are also a good idea. You can also try using a pacifier or alternatively try and pacify the baby by giving him a nice hot bath.
If you can try and get the baby to burp without causing him too much trouble then that is the best. Medication like simethicone drops can also be used that can help relieve the baby from gas pains. Lastly the mother should be watchful of her diet because it just may be that there is some particular food that is causing this problem in the baby. These are but suggestions which parents can try out in combinations but the most important thing for parents is to be patient and hope for the best.
Understanding baby colic
If you are looking to understand baby colic then medical science will not be able to give you one solid definite answer explaining the causes. What exist are some theories that doctors have formulated analyzing the possible causes of baby folic. The theory that seems most probable is that baby folic is caused when the baby ingests air while being fed milk either from the mother or from a bottle. Gastrointestinal pains caused by the fast consumption of milk causes the baby to become colic. Another theory although possible but seems less probable is related to the consumption of the mother’s food. If the mother has an increased intake of gas producing foods then this is transferred to the baby via the breast milk. Yet another possible and probable theory is that of identifying the baby’s nervous system as immature. This renders it incapable of being able to process all the new stimulations forced onto it by life.
Managing colic babies
Regardless of the causes the parents are more interested in knowing how to handle their babies with colic. This is because they hate to see it crying and also because the constant crying can be a source of great stress for the entire house hold. Rest assured baby colic does not develop because of poor parenting and the problem usually disappears in the first three months of the baby’s life. But because the medical causes have not been identified there is no accurate cure for the problem as yet. There is however certain common sense suggestions which parents are bound to try by instinct.
Most parents will begin to rock their child in their arms or put them in a swing to rock them back and forth. This is a very natural way to put the baby to rest. You can even take your baby for a car ride because that often puts them to sleep. Carriage rides are also a good idea. You can also try using a pacifier or alternatively try and pacify the baby by giving him a nice hot bath.
If you can try and get the baby to burp without causing him too much trouble then that is the best. Medication like simethicone drops can also be used that can help relieve the baby from gas pains. Lastly the mother should be watchful of her diet because it just may be that there is some particular food that is causing this problem in the baby. These are but suggestions which parents can try out in combinations but the most important thing for parents is to be patient and hope for the best.
Treatment for Baby Colic
For a new mother this situation can be quite distressful and she is bound to become overwhelmed by the situation. In fact the entire house hold just doesn’t know what to do when something like this happens to a new born baby.
The condition known as baby colic happens in infants at the very early stages of its life. The good news is that it is a problem that disappears with age. It has been observed that in most cases the problem goes away when the baby passes the age of three months. The problem however is for the parents and how to pass those three months of intense crying, fist clenching and watching their baby suffer from gastrointestinal pain.
Parents desperately seek for ways to give their baby and themselves relief from this nerve testing situation. The problem is further heightened when parents discover that no medical causes have been determined for baby colic. Traditionally it was believed that colic is the result of the baby suffering from abdominal pain due to gases stuck in its digestive tract. With medical advancements being made this theory has gained credibility over time but it is still not determined to be the definite cause of the problem.
Irrespective of the causes of baby folic what the parents are more interested in is the cure. Much to their dismay there is no established medical treatment for the problem simply because there is no established cause. The suggestive approaches taken by medical experts vary greatly in terms of their methodology and effectiveness. The majority of the doctors are however of the opinion that the condition is not treatable and the best idea is to wait it out because the condition is likely to disappear in a few months time.
Some doctors prescribe the use of simethicone which are drops that can help treat the trapped gas. Again the effectiveness of this method has varied results. Yet other doctors have prescribed the use of dicyclomine which is an anti spasmodic drug. But your child is vulnerable to develop certain side effects because of the use of this medicine.
In other cases doctors have made use of herbal medicines that have digestive benefits. Even gripe water has been found to be effective in some cases. The truth of the matter is that there has not been any major medical study to establish the best known treatment for baby folic.
There are a number of other medicines that have been used in certain instances for treating the gas problem but most good doctors will warn you against using drugs that have not been scientifically proven to be safe. So what can parents do when there baby has folic? All they can do is be patient and stick with some traditional soothing measures for the time being!
The condition known as baby colic happens in infants at the very early stages of its life. The good news is that it is a problem that disappears with age. It has been observed that in most cases the problem goes away when the baby passes the age of three months. The problem however is for the parents and how to pass those three months of intense crying, fist clenching and watching their baby suffer from gastrointestinal pain.
Parents desperately seek for ways to give their baby and themselves relief from this nerve testing situation. The problem is further heightened when parents discover that no medical causes have been determined for baby colic. Traditionally it was believed that colic is the result of the baby suffering from abdominal pain due to gases stuck in its digestive tract. With medical advancements being made this theory has gained credibility over time but it is still not determined to be the definite cause of the problem.
Irrespective of the causes of baby folic what the parents are more interested in is the cure. Much to their dismay there is no established medical treatment for the problem simply because there is no established cause. The suggestive approaches taken by medical experts vary greatly in terms of their methodology and effectiveness. The majority of the doctors are however of the opinion that the condition is not treatable and the best idea is to wait it out because the condition is likely to disappear in a few months time.
Some doctors prescribe the use of simethicone which are drops that can help treat the trapped gas. Again the effectiveness of this method has varied results. Yet other doctors have prescribed the use of dicyclomine which is an anti spasmodic drug. But your child is vulnerable to develop certain side effects because of the use of this medicine.
In other cases doctors have made use of herbal medicines that have digestive benefits. Even gripe water has been found to be effective in some cases. The truth of the matter is that there has not been any major medical study to establish the best known treatment for baby folic.
There are a number of other medicines that have been used in certain instances for treating the gas problem but most good doctors will warn you against using drugs that have not been scientifically proven to be safe. So what can parents do when there baby has folic? All they can do is be patient and stick with some traditional soothing measures for the time being!
Avoiding Childhood Constipation and Getting Things Moving
It’s never a fun time when your kids are having trouble pooping; in fact, for them, it can be really painful. You may have already had one or two issues with your kids experiencing some kind of blockage and are looking for ways to prevent it from happening again. Well, here are some helpful tips and information that can go a long way to making sure they stay regular and letting you keep your sanity.
How often should it be?
The cycle of pooping differs depending on the diet of the child. A child who has a consistent healthy diet of no junk food and mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains and some meat proteins will usually poop once to twice a day. The ideal poop should resemble long slender strands of sausage or look like chicken nuggets.
However, if they don’t it doesn’t mean that they’re constipated. Constipation in a child results when s/he has not pooped in about 3 days or they are straining to poop and nothing comes out (that can usually be sooner than 3 days). The poop that is trapped in the rectum can begin to solidify making it even harder and more painful to pass. Children can even be pooping little pellet-sized poops and be constipated because the idea is to completely expel all fecal content from the body, not in small quantities.
What causes childhood constipation?
Physical Health Causes & Solutions
Let’s start with the obvious, and that is diet. Doctors and nutritionists are now discovering that as little as one “bad” meal a day can throw a child’s digestive system completely out of whack. What does “bad” mean anyway—here are some of the worst offenders:
Lack of Water. It’s that simple sometimes. Making sure your child gets enough water and not soda or sugary fruit juices can help keep the body stay constipation-free and make the stools soft and easy to pass.
If your child is on a healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies, chances are, they will get most of the water they need from the food. Bottled water with electrolytes can also help maintain hydration, especially if they eat fast food or have been ill.
Foods that are loaded with sodium/salt are at the top of the list and include all fast food and processed foods from boxes.
Ban fast food and processed foods at your house, at first; scale back modestly until you can phase them out completely. These types of food do more harm to your child than just constipation. Increase fresh fruits, beans, nuts and vegetables to your child’s diet.
Foods with little to no fiber, including ice cream, pizza, chips, kid cereals and fries.
Solution: Look for little ways to sneak in fiber rich food; mix in fruit with your dessert—whole fruit, not juice, has lots of fiber. Use recipes for goodies that include incorporating vegetable puree as an ingredient. There are some online cookie and brownie recipes that call for carrot, cauliflower or broccoli purees. Get creative, make Friday night veggie bean chili with fresh cornbread instead of pizza; and you can always add a cup of mixed frozen vegetables to mac-and-cheese.
Cut back on high protein diets full of saturated fats like beef, milk, cheese and to some extent chicken.
Solution: Beans, nuts, fish and soy based foods made to look and taste like hamburgers and chicken fingers are also loaded with protein but have more fiber, especially beans which are also heart healthy.
Lack of exercise coupled with a poor diet can give your child the express ticket to constipation.
Exercise is good for the digestive process and promotes stool regularity. Turning off the video game system and taking a twenty-minute walk around the neighborhood with your kids can go a long way to keeping them regular while also teaching them healthy exercise habits.
Mental Health Causes & Solutions
Kids can develop some pretty awful hang-ups about poop. They can develop fears about doing it in public restrooms or have been constipated once and carry that lingering unpleasant association into all future pooping efforts. This kind of stigma can make them poop-avoidant and thus lead them down the road to constipation. Here are some common problems and solutions:
Embarrassed to use public toilets. Who taught your child to fear using a public toilet? It may have been you, and it may be why they are holding their poop inside giving them constipation. You, the parent, are the most powerful voice on earth to them, whatever you say…they believe.
Vocalize how important it is to for them to poop whenever they feel they need to and that it’s perfectly natural. If you have public toilet issues, teach them some basic steps for hygiene, like building a ring of toilet paper on the toilet seat before pooping, and washing their hands with soap and water after finishing. Giving them a travel pack of wet wipes to use might also signify to them that it’s OK to use a public toilet.
Doesn’t like going in general. Sometimes children for a variety of reasons do not like going. That’s when you need to have a discussion with them—is it psychological, physical or both.
If it’s psychological, try to have fun with the discussion. Explain to them everybody poops, even the furry cute little animals and birds do it. Tell them it’s part of being healthy and happy and that there’s nothing wrong with it. Encourage them to talk about the issue whenever they need to and that it’s perfectly welcomed.
When it’s Chronic
Even after doing everything “right” your child may still have “poop” issues. Here are some remedies that can help unblock the problem. Chronic constipation is usually defined as your child having at least two to three bouts with constipation in a two-week period.
Relieve the painful pressure and straining: If a child has been straining and it hurts, try a hot bath (as hot as they can handle). The heat will release the muscles in the sphincter and relieve the terrible pain and discomfort, instantly. Creams with hydrocortisone can also help with the burning and throbbing after a painful expulsion.
Try Natural Laxatives and Softeners:
Senna Leaf Powder is natural and a powerful laxative that can help cleanse the system. Making a tea and adding some honey can make it more palatable. Even allowing the child to simply smell the brew can be enough to make them go. Olive oil and olives are also natural stool softeners.
Any kind of laxative should only be used as an interim measure and not be used as a routine method for defecation.
Visiting your Pediatrician:
If your child suffers from chronic constipation, it’s always best to include your pediatrician in the equation. There might be something else that is underlying the issue that a trained medical professional can detect. In addition, chronic constipation may also require medicine or advanced treatments that should only be performed under the supervision of doctor.
How often should it be?
The cycle of pooping differs depending on the diet of the child. A child who has a consistent healthy diet of no junk food and mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains and some meat proteins will usually poop once to twice a day. The ideal poop should resemble long slender strands of sausage or look like chicken nuggets.
However, if they don’t it doesn’t mean that they’re constipated. Constipation in a child results when s/he has not pooped in about 3 days or they are straining to poop and nothing comes out (that can usually be sooner than 3 days). The poop that is trapped in the rectum can begin to solidify making it even harder and more painful to pass. Children can even be pooping little pellet-sized poops and be constipated because the idea is to completely expel all fecal content from the body, not in small quantities.
What causes childhood constipation?
Physical Health Causes & Solutions
Let’s start with the obvious, and that is diet. Doctors and nutritionists are now discovering that as little as one “bad” meal a day can throw a child’s digestive system completely out of whack. What does “bad” mean anyway—here are some of the worst offenders:
Lack of Water. It’s that simple sometimes. Making sure your child gets enough water and not soda or sugary fruit juices can help keep the body stay constipation-free and make the stools soft and easy to pass.
If your child is on a healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies, chances are, they will get most of the water they need from the food. Bottled water with electrolytes can also help maintain hydration, especially if they eat fast food or have been ill.
Foods that are loaded with sodium/salt are at the top of the list and include all fast food and processed foods from boxes.
Ban fast food and processed foods at your house, at first; scale back modestly until you can phase them out completely. These types of food do more harm to your child than just constipation. Increase fresh fruits, beans, nuts and vegetables to your child’s diet.
Foods with little to no fiber, including ice cream, pizza, chips, kid cereals and fries.
Solution: Look for little ways to sneak in fiber rich food; mix in fruit with your dessert—whole fruit, not juice, has lots of fiber. Use recipes for goodies that include incorporating vegetable puree as an ingredient. There are some online cookie and brownie recipes that call for carrot, cauliflower or broccoli purees. Get creative, make Friday night veggie bean chili with fresh cornbread instead of pizza; and you can always add a cup of mixed frozen vegetables to mac-and-cheese.
Cut back on high protein diets full of saturated fats like beef, milk, cheese and to some extent chicken.
Solution: Beans, nuts, fish and soy based foods made to look and taste like hamburgers and chicken fingers are also loaded with protein but have more fiber, especially beans which are also heart healthy.
Lack of exercise coupled with a poor diet can give your child the express ticket to constipation.
Exercise is good for the digestive process and promotes stool regularity. Turning off the video game system and taking a twenty-minute walk around the neighborhood with your kids can go a long way to keeping them regular while also teaching them healthy exercise habits.
Mental Health Causes & Solutions
Kids can develop some pretty awful hang-ups about poop. They can develop fears about doing it in public restrooms or have been constipated once and carry that lingering unpleasant association into all future pooping efforts. This kind of stigma can make them poop-avoidant and thus lead them down the road to constipation. Here are some common problems and solutions:
Embarrassed to use public toilets. Who taught your child to fear using a public toilet? It may have been you, and it may be why they are holding their poop inside giving them constipation. You, the parent, are the most powerful voice on earth to them, whatever you say…they believe.
Vocalize how important it is to for them to poop whenever they feel they need to and that it’s perfectly natural. If you have public toilet issues, teach them some basic steps for hygiene, like building a ring of toilet paper on the toilet seat before pooping, and washing their hands with soap and water after finishing. Giving them a travel pack of wet wipes to use might also signify to them that it’s OK to use a public toilet.
Doesn’t like going in general. Sometimes children for a variety of reasons do not like going. That’s when you need to have a discussion with them—is it psychological, physical or both.
If it’s psychological, try to have fun with the discussion. Explain to them everybody poops, even the furry cute little animals and birds do it. Tell them it’s part of being healthy and happy and that there’s nothing wrong with it. Encourage them to talk about the issue whenever they need to and that it’s perfectly welcomed.
When it’s Chronic
Even after doing everything “right” your child may still have “poop” issues. Here are some remedies that can help unblock the problem. Chronic constipation is usually defined as your child having at least two to three bouts with constipation in a two-week period.
Relieve the painful pressure and straining: If a child has been straining and it hurts, try a hot bath (as hot as they can handle). The heat will release the muscles in the sphincter and relieve the terrible pain and discomfort, instantly. Creams with hydrocortisone can also help with the burning and throbbing after a painful expulsion.
Try Natural Laxatives and Softeners:
Senna Leaf Powder is natural and a powerful laxative that can help cleanse the system. Making a tea and adding some honey can make it more palatable. Even allowing the child to simply smell the brew can be enough to make them go. Olive oil and olives are also natural stool softeners.
Any kind of laxative should only be used as an interim measure and not be used as a routine method for defecation.
Visiting your Pediatrician:
If your child suffers from chronic constipation, it’s always best to include your pediatrician in the equation. There might be something else that is underlying the issue that a trained medical professional can detect. In addition, chronic constipation may also require medicine or advanced treatments that should only be performed under the supervision of doctor.
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