Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Pork Allergy

Almost everyone loves to eat pork. Swine meat is the most common meat in the market. Common as it may be for consumption, at present there are very rare cases of pork allergy. The immune system overreacts to the proteins found in pork. It can put up a variety of defense mechanisms (called antibodies) against these proteins that are perceived as “harmful” to the body.

Mechanism of the Allergic Reaction

Like most food allergies, proteins found in pork are what trigger an allergic reaction in humans. Specifically, the 65-kDa protein is the main allergen found in pork meat. For those who have this rare allergy, the body’s immune system reacts to the intake of the allergen stimulating a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction consequently casting symptoms abdominal symptoms, asthma, rashes, sneezing, and breathing problems. Allergy to pork is said to be prevalent in patients with severe food allergy. Those with a bad case of childhood asthma have a higher risk of developing complications from the allergic reaction.

In some cases, the allergic reaction may not be caused by the animal itself, but from the chemicals used to process pork meat such as papain (used as a meat tenderizer) or casein (used as a stabilizer). Certain chemicals and preservatives contaminate and mix with the protein of the food and are the major causes of food allergies. A least common source of pork allergy is the use of antibiotics to the farm animals. When the animal is injected with antibiotics such as penicillin prior to processing, these drugs may potentially enter into a person’s system who may be allergic to that certain drug.

What Your Doctor Can Do For You

What makes it difficult to identify the food allergen in some people is that they may not be aware of the relationship between the offending agent and their symptoms because the symptoms may appear at a later time. More often, people are sometimes confused with what really causes their allergies due to the variety of food they consume. This is why food challenges are performed. Food elimination diets may also be necessary to rule out any other culprits. However, they may take longer periods in order for the allergy to be diagnosed; hence, laboratory tests are the most frequent method of diagnosis.

A skin prick test must be properly conducted by medical professionals to detect if you have pork allergy. Once tested positive, be very wary of the following symptoms:

- Feeling of warmth
- Itchiness and hives
- Abdominal upset
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Wheezing
- Breathing difficulties
- Asthma attacks

A more severe reaction would lead to anaphylaxis where in the body experiences generalized urticaria (hives), sudden drop in the blood pressure, swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat that may cause breathing difficulties. If the swelling continues, the airway may become fully obstructed compromising oxygenation which is highly fatal in a matter of minutes.

Allergies are a medical emergency as they have the potential to progress into anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, they are highly manageable with drugs like antihistamines and corticosteroids to relieve the symptoms. Individuals with food hypersensitivity should avoid the foods that cause their allergies.

What You Can Do

Many people lose their sensitivity to food allergens over time, although not entirely for some. You should always be mindful in what you take.

The safest way to prevent pork allergy is avoidance of pork meat and products that include it in the list of ingredients. Adults as well as children should learn to scrutinize food labels and ingredients carefully.

Some medications and food supplements will help ease the symptoms, such as quercitin, bromellain, vitamin A, eucalyptus, L-carnitine and iron.

Quercitine is more popularly known as flavanoid. These are potent antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels, thus improving overall blood circulation. It blocks the histamines effectively. Bromellain will further enhance the absorption of quercitin and must be taken along with it.

Vitamin A greatly improves the immune system’s function. While eucalyptus oil, poured into boiling water (inhalation of its steam) will provide relief of the respiratory symptoms. Iron is vital for blood production and is an important element of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying substances in the blood).

L-Carnitine will act as a detoxifying agent to the cells and decrease the allergens in our system.

Remember that if you have confirmed your allergy to pork, always find a good doctor specializing in allergies first before practicing the do-it-yourself treatments aforementioned. This article is purely educational and informative. Always guard yourself by being safe.

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